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Briarwood Neighborhood Association (BNA) is completely comprised of volunteers. A lot of the Board and Committee members have been with BNA since it's founding in 1999. In addition to the Board of Directors, there are many committees and social events that couldn't exist without the time and effort of our volunteers. Countless hours behind the scenes are working to improve Briarwood - from Yard of the Month awards, the Newsletter, working with County Council Members to change laws, and working with law enforcement directly to keep us safe. Please see a short description of each committee and how each is working to improve Briarwood, now and in the future! If you feel compelled to be involved an any of the committees below, please visit the Volunteer page to sign up! Also visit our Planned Projects page to get a preview of all the latest upgrades being made!
County Council Beautification Committee - Marilyn Summers
The Neighborhood has a committee made up of residents who are passionate about a very important issue. The number one concern of homeowners is overgrown yards and cars or trailers parked in front yards. Both distract greatly from the beauty of our neighborhood and they also bring property values down. The houses that fail to sell quickly are usually across from one of these unkempt yards. If you are bothered by these issues and would like to make change happen, you are invited to be a part of this new committee. The power of change comes in numbers, we would like to ensure our County Officials know the importance of these changes in older neighborhoods that operate without a ruling HOA.
Holiday Decoration Committee - Patty Daso
The holiday decorations at the neighborhood entrance signs and street signs are decorated for major holidays (4th of July & Christmas). This position is responsible for set up and removal of holiday appropriate decor. BNA has an inventory of current decor but are open to ideas to expand the decor.
Refuse Control Committee- Sandy Van Hout
This committee works as a team to attempt to encourage neighbors to clean up their overgrown yards and surroundings or ask if they perhaps need some assistance in doing so. This committee makes calls to the Ombudsmans' office if needed to report county ordinance issues for Code Enforcement Officers to follow-up.
Yard of the Month Committee - Mary Stover & Barbara Frierson
At the end of each month, a new Briarwood Neighborhood Association members home is selected to receive the recognition for their excellence in yard maintanance and beautification. On the first of each month, the committee's chosen winner has a yard sign placed on display and the homeowner is given a gift certificate as a token of appreciation for improving the overall beautification of the neighborhood.
National Night Out Committee - Dik & Patty Daso
National Night Out (NNO) is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances. BNA has participated in NNO for many years. The event is held on the 1st Tuesday of August each year. BNA sponsors NNO with a social event open to BNA Members only with food and drinks provided. NNO Committee is responsible for decor design and set up, food planning, obtaining door prizes for the raffle, and other coordinations relating to planning the event.
Welcome Committee - Linda Stearns & Lydia Lozano
The BNA Welcome Committee makes a great effort to greet all new neighbors and make them feel welcome in Briarwood. New neighbors are given a packet of information including a Welcome to Briarwood letter, Trash/Recycle Schedule, BNA Information Booklet, JCC Information Sheet and other valuable information pertaining to living in Briarwood and Columbia.
Block Captains - Frank Norville
Block Captains are responsible for handing out the Quarterly Newspaper (February, May, August & November) as well as one or two other fliers per year. These newsletters are of the upmost importance to our neighbors who are not digitally connected.
Sympathies and Condolences - Valerie Schulz
The Briarwood Neighborhood Association extends its deepest sympathy and condolences to all Briarwood families who have lost loved ones. BNA would like to individually acknowledge all deceased residents, but the Association does not always know when these events occur. We appreciate when family members or neighbors inform us of a loss of a loved one in order for our Association to officially respond to the loss.
Board of Directors - Click here for Board of Directors
Briarwood Neighborhood Association Board of Directors is comprised of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Correspondence Secretary.
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